Wednesday, June 26, 2013


The REAL implications of the Snowden case! But, really, how many of us didn't know it was happening anyway? It's only in the plot of every second thriller to come out of Hollywood.. To paraphrase Kurt Cobain: "Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not listening in on you!"

Monday, June 24, 2013

Leadership Showdown

Surprised to find it's been THREE YEARS since my last blog entry! Guess there was nothing happening in the world to comment on.. or maybe I got lazy?

To be honest I think the leadership situation is a little more complex than what I've portrayed here, but to the casual observer, this might just look like EXACTLY what's happening!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Abbott's Baggage

Anyone elso fed up with 'religious' pollies who seem to lack even a trace of genuine compassion?

This cartoon was intended for this year's cartoon competition, but NM just announced it is folding. Too bad. The Oz media landscape is now a particularly barren one.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ute Gate!

So, the biggest crisis to hit the Rudd government so far is.... a ute that a dealer gave the PM for his election campaign. And Turnbull's riding this one all the way to the stables. It's Swan's scalp he is after, for allegedly misleading Parliament over the affair. If the Treasurer is forced to resign, needless to say, it would be a tough blow for the government, and Rudd's credibility.

My prediction? Nothing will come of this. Howard rode out several crises unscathed. But time will tell...

The Final Heat!

All the heat winning cartoons of the cartooning competition are all online in the final heat (including my entry).... Can be seen at (if you read the fine print you will find that you can't vote for the winner this time, unless you are a member of the judging panel)....

Friday, May 29, 2009


OK, so New Matilda did publish my last cartoon, only it's not eligible to win as I won the first heat. It could be seen at but now the page no longer exists!
Somehow it didn't get published straight away, so it's a bit old-newsy.

This cartoon is all about China's state-owned (naturally) resource giant attempting to double its stake in Aussie company Rio Tinto to some 20%. I think Wayne Swan would have quietly given the deal the go-ahead if Mal Turnbull hadn't brayed so loudly against the notion. Nothing agaist the Chinese, but do we really want them owning a fifth of our largest mining company? It would be kind of funny if they used our natural resources to build military jets and aircraft carriers, seeing as our new defense white paper is warily predicting a possible military threat from China by 2030! (Shades of "Pig-Iron Bob"...)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Guantanamo Rolf

Somehow, my mind made a connection between water-boarding and wobble-boarding. Apologies to Rolf Harris.

Incidentally, if you think this cartoon is out of date because Obama has closed Guantanomo Bay, well, he HASN'T.
